PharmD turned MD?

I am considering going back to school for my MD. I am still weighing my options and would like to know if there are any pharmD’s out there that have proceeded to, or in the process of proceed to, med school years after practice and such in pharmacy. I am out about 6 years post pharmD and have experience in pharmacotherapy research and clinical practice.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

I’m not personally in your position, but I do know of someone else that did it. My grandma is currently being treated by a physician specializing in hematology-oncology (for multiple myeloma). Before med school he was a pharmacist with a pharmD under his belt. I’m really not sure what his time line was like. I can ask her some information if you’d like. When she was initially seeing him she gave me a link to his online bio. I didn’t keep it though, nor do I remember the specific details. I’ll look into it though.

I know one person in my school who was a PharmD before she started med school. In fact she was working weekend shifts during M1 and M2 years (not sure about M3) so she could keep her pharm license.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
