please help

Hey guys,

i need some advice. i took orgo 1 three years ago and i got a c in it. that grade discouraged me from med school so i went to nursing school instead for the np route. I have been working as a nurse for a couple years. now i realized that i want to go med school for sure. im not sure if i should continue with orgo 2 this january or wait until the summer to repeat orgo 1 again and take orgo 2. i really would like to maybe take the mcat this august or september. what do you guys think?

  • mwinnie Said:
Hey guys,

i need some advice. i took orgo 1 three years ago and i got a c in it. that grade discouraged me from med school so i went to nursing school instead for the np route. I have been working as a nurse for a couple years. now i realized that i want to go med school for sure. im not sure if i should continue with orgo 2 this january or wait until the summer to repeat orgo 1 again and take orgo 2. i really would like to maybe take the mcat this august or september. what do you guys think?

Rule 1: Take a Breath.

To do well on the MCAT, you need a good foundation in Organic. To do well in Organic II you need a good foundation in Organic I.

Additionally, an August or September is very late in the application process. being early and ahead of the rolling application cycle is important.

You also have no information on what other appropriate prereqs you have. Many schools have less rigorous chem and bio courses for nursing students and you need to check those carefully.

On the plus side, Organic II is far less important for the MCAT then it used to be and there is growing number of medical schools that will accept Biochem in lieu of Organic II.

My general advice is to push it back, make sure you got the timing and complexity of the application process down pat, and prepare for a really strong application with a really strong MCAT the following cycle.