Political rant re: the Boy Scouts

I got a particularly fervent letter from my local Boy Scouts USA council today, letting me know it was more or less up to me to help save America’s values and protect the future of America’s youth and the future of America. And they promised to continue to stand firm in the face of pressure to become more "politically correct."
I have a certain sympathy for their stance. Privately funded non-profit organizations should, indeed, be allowed to espouse whatever moral codes they believe in.
And therefore I went to the Web site, whipped out my credit carde, and made a donation–to CampFire USA. I even sent the Boy Scouts a nice little note, thanking them for reminding me to stand up for my beliefs.
I was a Camp Fire girl years ago, just around the time they were becoming Camp Fire Girls and Boys. Now they’re CampFire USA, and as far as I can tell from their mission statement, they embrace diversity so hard that it squeals. I don’t like to just rant at charities I disagree with, if I disagree strongly enough. I like to give a little boost to the competition.

LOL Denise. As the wife of an Eagle Scout and the mother of two Eagle Scouts, I am too familiar with the literature you’re describing, and I don’t like it either. Steven Spielberg actually sent his Eagle Scout medal back to the Boy Scouts; none of mine wants to do that, but they are not happy either. I agree, BSA can do whatever they want, but I don’t have to agree with it and I don’t like it when they ASSUME that I’ll agree. There are many, many fine qualities about the Boy Scouts and I think they’ve made a positive difference in my sons’ lives. But they clearly assume that they’ve influenced my kids politically and that didn’t happen!

Damn good for you Denise! As you well defined, the BSA has every right to their individual platform; however, I do not think that includes “recruiting” others to endorse their narrow-minded perspective. Yes, the BSa does teach some wonderful things to young men & boys, I do not discount that. But, I cannot condone, support or promote an organization that pointedly excludes & condemns an entire VALID subset of the population - homosexuals. I have too many wonderful, sincere friends who just happen to be homosexual & to ascribe to the BSA or dontate to them would be a slap in the face to those people whom I respect.
My applause & kudos to CampfireUSA for promoting diversity!


LOL Denise. As the wife of an Eagle Scout and the mother of two Eagle Scouts, I am too familiar with the literature you’re describing, and I don’t like it either. Steven Spielberg actually sent his Eagle Scout medal back to the Boy Scouts; none of mine wants to do that, but they are not happy either. I agree, BSA can do whatever they want, but I don’t have to agree with it and I don’t like it when they ASSUME that I’ll agree. There are many, many fine qualities about the Boy Scouts and I think they’ve made a positive difference in my sons’ lives. But they clearly assume that they’ve influenced my kids politically and that didn’t happen!

Hey Mary,
Three Eagle Scouts in one family! WOW! It’s no wonder that your youngest feels obligated to assert her independence in creative ways.


Hey Mary,
Three Eagle Scouts in one family! WOW! It’s no wonder that your youngest feels obligated to assert her independence in creative ways.

Nat, were you at my house two weeks ago when I was away and she was in charge of the fort??? Lord it is a good thing I dye my hair. Yesterday rummaging around in the freezer I found… a can of Bud Lite, surprise, surprise. (You KNOW I don’t drink that crap.) Actually the real surprise is that it had not exploded all over the contents of the freezer. I just pray that she maintains a passing average when she gets to college, so they don’t kick her out and send her back home. Don’t get me wrong, folks, I love my daughter but unless you have had an 18 y/o girl at your house you do NOT know what it is like! (Dave, JUST WAIT.)