Possible to get education loans for medical school with bad credit?

Hi everyone!

As someone who has, unfortunately, had her share of mistakes academically as well as financially, is it still possible to obtain an education loan for medical school with poor credit? Any input would be appreciated…thank you!


I’m no expert on the subject, but as I understand it, direct Stafford loans are not subject to a credit check. So, you should be able to get those.

Many students also take out Grad Plus loans, which are subject to a credit check. I’m not sure about how that may play out.

Here are a few links that may help out:



The same question is persistently in the back of my mind. I made possibly every mistake in the book when it came to financing my undergraduate and graduate education. I’m in the process of sorting that whole heaping pile of debt into a nice and neat package. I’ve made some headway, which is encouraging, but I am working through a number of different ideas about how to avoid some of the same mistakes come matriculation time.