Post-2007 OldPreMeds Conference

Hi Everybody,

I’m a relatively new member and I just got home from the Chicago Conference - my first OldPreMeds Conference. I am so inspired! What a great organization this is! What a great group of folks!

  1. I want to thank everyone who contributed to putting this fantastic conference together. You folks are amazing! I am so grateful to all of you for helping to create such a great event.

  2. For those of you who visit this web site, members and non-members - I strongly encourage you to plan on attending the 2008 conference. You will be SO glad that you make the time and investment to do this. It is difficult to articulate the benefits I have received from attending this event, but I’ll try: the speakers were great, and the content of their presentations was valuable; the opportunities for visiting with representatives from a number of medical schools in the Exhibits area was so wonderful - informative and practically useful; and most important - the opportunity to connect with so many others who are working towards the same goal and experience the camaraderie - this was priceless.

    I know that I have a lot of hard work ahead of me as I do what is necessary to achieve my goal of getting accepted to medical school. However, participating in this conference, and experiencing the shared vision of the great people that are part of this organization has created a synergy that makes it all feel truly possible. What an incredible gift.

    My particular thanks again to you, OldManDave for encouraging me to attend!