Post Bac

I am trying to decide whether to attend a post bac to “pad” my science GPA or to simply take the MCAT and get some clinical experience. I graduated college around 4 years ago with my bachelors in biology…so technically I have all the required pre reqs, but I received some Cs in science classes. I recently applied to a post bac program and was excepted for the summer 2018 semester but when I talk to the advisor he made it seem like because my classes were so old that I would need to start from the very beginning in the post bac program and take the general science classes first…so basically I would just be repeating all my same classes from 4 years ago…maybe I am misunderstanding what a post bac is supposed to help you accomplish ? but I thought it was to allow you to take classes that would help you do well on the MCAT and to brush up on the areas that you struggled in during undergrad and to show medical schools that you can actually do the science work. All and all I am trying to decide if the post bac is worth going to for another 2 years… any advice would be really appreciated.