Post-Bacc vs. 2nd BA?

The post-bacc program available to me locally is 28k for the year as compared to going for a 2nd BA at the state U.(@3k). Aside from financial considerations, do you believe a formal post-bacc pre-med program is preferred by admissions committees or is it the content of the coursework?

I’m not sure how adcoms look at Post-Bacc vs. 2nd B.A./B.S. I am going the 2nd B.S. route because it is cheaper (!) and because there is a state university 25 miles from my house. Plus, I still have to work and can’t afford to do a post-bacc full time.
I wonder, if doing a 2nd B.S., would it look better to try to do “honors” or just get it done?

Just get it done Meg. A 4.0 in regular classes is better than a 3.8 in honors (not saying you can’t ace those classes, but some are really tough). plus, why??? An H beside your class is not going to make a differnce in the long run. At least that is what I have been told.

If you’ve already got a bachelor’s degree, you just need the credits, and the grades and MCAT scores to prove that you earned those credits and learned something. You don’t need a formal post-bacc OR a second bachelor’s in fact… you just need to meet the requirements.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. I hate that nervous feeling I get when I read other posts and think “oh no… maybe I missed something or need to do something different!”

As Mary said, all you need are the courses. You don’t need to go to a formal “post bacc” program, nor do you need a second bachelor’s. You do need good grades. :slight_smile:

What about post-bacc programs that offer linkages? Are these beneficial? A program like Bryn Mawr is focused on helping you through the process, securing volunteer/clinical hours, preparing for MCAT, and (in the case of Bryn Mawr and similar w/ Penn and Drexel) link you to a medical school. I haven’t researched beyong PA, but I’m sure these aren’t the only programs.
One drawback is expense, but then again, with all the prep… What do you all think? Has anyone signed up for or researched a program like this? Here is the link to Bryn Mawr’s program: Bryn Mawr Post Bac

You may not need either, if you are just lacking some or all of the prerequisites for medical school. You can take them through an extension program or an informal post-bacc program. Many states schools offer an informal post-bacc in which one enters graduate school as an undifferentiated grad student. Once in such a program, you can declare a major but do not necessarily report to any one department, instead focusing your efforts on taking classes. Some of these programs have premed advisors willing to help premed students apply to medical school.
Post-bacc programs are nice in that they streamline the admissions process; everything is in one place and they hand-hold you through the every step of the “how to get to med” school route, but they do not necessarily make you a better candidate. I say “not necessarily” because some post-bacc programs have linkages that may favor graduates of their particular program. However, most post-baccs focus on the basic sciences along with a few additional upper division prep classes.
If you need more upper division coursework or have already taken your basic sciences but want to strengthen your record, graduate level work such as a master’s degree (in biology, clinical sciences, public health, etc.) is an option.
A second bachelor’s is probably not necessary unless you need classes that you cannot get through a formal post-bacc or if you need to retake all or most of the basic sciences. Because many formal post-baccs are geared toward students with no science background, they may not accept you if you already had science courses – even if taken long ago. Because you are a regularly enrolled student, a second bachelor’s degree is usually cheaper than taking classes through a university extension and your student status may qualify you for research work, scholarships, and other amenities. But, it may take longer to complete, even if you don’t finish the entire degree.
But, echoing other posters, the most important thing is to get good grades on relatively recent coursework and do well on the MCAT, showing adcomms that you can handle the rigors of medical school.

Adding to the copious comments already posted, doing well in taking the courses in vastly more important that in what program you take them in. I am formally registered in a near-by state school with a second-degree major solely to take upper division classes. This school had location, cost, and available classes as the deciding factor; there is no formal post-bacc program. For lack of a better term, “politically” I am not advertising that I will not be actually working for a second BA. Indeed, I am involoving myself with advanced classes, mentoring freshman, and tutoring in order to build my “resume” and work on getting recommendations.

Hello group!

This post lends a different angle to the same question as the one in the subject line. I thought I’d post my question here since the idea is related.

I’m looking for your comments on the approach I’ve taken to satisfy the ‘specific requirements’ at the schools I plan to apply to.

Twenty years ago, I got a college and university degree. In college I did the basic sciences; at University I got a majors in Math. and Computer Science.

After speaking with several local med schools, I need to redo the basic sciences, math, and usual Orgo I and II.

So here’s how I’ve approached this:

I applied, got accepted and enrolled at a local university into a Biology Major program. With the approval of my academic advisor, I am using this route to redo the sciences/math. The advisor/university are aware that I am NOT intending to complete the Biology Major program - at least not now. With this plan, I expect to be in fine shape to write the MCAT in 2007.

My question:

Will adcoms frown upon refreshing the basic sciences this way, while enrolled in a Biology program which I don’t intend to finish?

You see, my intentions here are honest, cards on the table right from the very start.

