I hope it is ok to post this in this forum…
Anyway, I am moving and my mom apparently has no need for the stack of premed books I tried to sneak into her garage for storage. I have got to get rid of this stuff! The pile includes such gems as:
2 recent MSAR’s, and a couple other guides to medical schools
4 or 5 books on how to apply to med school and/or write your personal statements
A wide variety of MCAT prep books and study materials. I have books from every major publisher on the subject, plus papers and flash cards.
A TI-83 calculator w/instructions (good for science classes)
Wade’s Organic Chemistry textbook
Stewart’s Calculus textbook
I would love to sell or give all of these books away. The only problem is that you must either live in Minnesota since I won’t have time to ship anything before I move (western Wisconsin’s fine too), OR you must have an interest in purchasing several books so that I can limit my trips to the post office.
I can give more details about the actual book titles to anyone who’s interested.
Hello Pushkin
I would certainly be interested in “A wide variety of MCAT prep books and study materials” … and the TI83 as well.
I’m in Montreal however, and have no idea of a fair value for these items.
I understand you’d like to ‘offload’ these but not incur undue expense.
I’ll be glad to pay shipping (ie ship COD) plus a reasonable amount for any inconvience of having to bring the books to the post-office.
If this sounds OK to you, I’ll send you my phone/email by private message so we can iron out the details.
Best regards