Through my years at OPM I’ve targeted my path, finished my SMP, and am now completing my primary AMCAS. Yay! But the adviser at my SMP is unavailable until July 6th, and I’m still concerned about my personal statement.
Can anyone recommend a good professional editing service? I would love to get some advice on additional schools to apply to (I just have 10 right now), which ECs are important to include, etc, but I don’t have any money left for the $600+ non-trad advising packages at this time (got a fee waiver for the primary, and trying to save enough by the time secondaries roll in).
Several people at my SMP have said that my personal statement will be the key to an interview/acceptance, so I thought I should invest my shekels (<$300) there. Any suggestions/caveats to this route?
Thanks as always.
Actually I utilized the free advice I received. Kasia helped me get on track with my PS (much better, thanks, Kasia), and I’ve been having some colleagues at work look at it. One of which really helped me get the flow right. When I had one of the doctors I worked with read it, and she gave me a good review, I knew I had it.
So suffice it to say…look to see if any of your friends/colleagues with a good handle on grammar can give it a look see.
This site alone provided me with a lot of guidance, and free at that!
I found a wonderful editing service. I had them edit my personal statement and I think they did a wonderful job. Their pricing was the best I found, only $75. You can request my editor: Roz…She did a great job.
Best wishes
Thanks Jobush - I just did a complete overhaul of my existing essay, and I’m running it past some friends for “tone” right now, but a final polish for <$100 might be worth it.
Absolutely,…It is worth it…
I just used another service today. Pat Munson is her name she did a wonderful job on my second essay. SAME DAY SERVICE!!! WOW… Give her a try…
Let her know JoBusch referred you…