Radiology Resource Question

Okay, part of my surgery clerkship grade is a practical exam. Today we had a class on radiology and were assured several times, “This WILL be on your practical, so be sure you know it.” We were introduced rapid-fire to CTs of the abdomen, CXRs, mammograms… um, just a little bit more information than could easily be digested in a two-hour span, esp. since the various radiographs were being projected via overhead.
So before I type “radiology review” into Google, does anyone have any good resources for looking at radiographic pathology? Seems like this is something I should know, but I don’t.
TIA (as in, thanks in advance, not transient ischemic attack) biggrin.gif

I was looking for veterinary pathology sites for info about possible causes of necrosis in mice lung and kidneys. For some reason, I landed on a site for “The Virtual Hospital.” I only clicked through the stuff about pathology looking for histopathology. While interesting and informative, it was too much detail for me, all about humans and I really needed stuff about mice smile.gif
I’d never come across this site before and was pleasantly surprised with the depth of information provided. The stuff on pathology was well written with lots of pictures. There was a section on radiology, but I have no idea what all was offered there. Anyway, enough blathering. Here’s the link:
Good Luck and hope this helps
– Rachel

Hey Mary,
Head on over to GW and pull out that old dusty carosel show with the slides on Radiology. It comes with an audio tape and you sit on one of the computer carrels and watch it (30 minutes). That should get you started. After that, pull out Grant's atlas from downstairs on the first floor and review the cross sections and radiographs in there. You won't need any more than that. You need to be able to recognize from radiographs: Air-fluid levels, small bowel obstruction, liver tumors (CT), aortic aneurysm, Achlesia (bird's beak) gall bladder disease(Ultrasound), pyloric stenosis (Ultrassound),appendicitis Ultrasound and CT), NEC air within the bowel wall on an kids x-ray, sigmoid volvulus, pneumonia, air under the diaphragm (normal finding post abdominal surgery so don't get snookered), colon tumors. You might also look at some barium enema studies of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Look at some ERCPs and colangiograms too.
If you can borrow the Gold Standard Radiographic Anatomy CD from the AV lab, it is a complete resourse. Stay away from the textbooks of Radiology. They are too detailed. Another potential resource is Secrets of Radiology by Katz. Everything is covered in the Katz book and it should be on your home library shelf.
For mammograms, know the normal and the abnormal will hit you in the face. Cystic structures tend to be benign and solid spiculated tumors tend to be malignant.

Judging by the date, it may be too late for me to response in a timely manner. However, try
They have teaching case files, and at the end of the files, they give you the pearls and salient points. Just do a search at that site for the most frequently encountered surgical radiology emergencies (my recommendations: appys, diverticulitis, cholecystitis, trauma. ) There is also a book called Cases in Surgical Radiology – don't buy, it's at most med school libraries.
Finally, if all else fails, PUNT! Rads will represent a very small proportion of your exam and chances are you may miss the finding anyway.
Good luck.

We used a cross sectional anatomy tutor program that I thought was pretty good. It went through cross sectional slices of the body and then CTs and MRIs. I was impressed at how much I could walk away with after an hour or 2. The program is loaded on all of the computers in our library, but I saw it for sale on-line (sorry, don't remember where). It was produced by Duke University.
Good luck!
Trey Wood