I recently sent in my secondary application for East Carolina University. It required the usual committee letter and allows for other LORs. I have one additional LOR already there, from a professor emeritus, surgery, of Duke University. I had put down two more letters to be sent, one from an episcopal priest and one from an ER physician who’s known me for about 8-10 years. However, my application won’t be looked at again until the latter 2 LORs are received. I know they haven’t been written yet, and I haven’t been able to get in touch with either person in the last week. Should I just remove their names from the LOR list so that my application can go forward? Is the one additional LOR enough? Or should I keep trying to get back in touch with the recommenders and hold up my app. another 1-2 weeks?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Unless you KNOW that these letters are going to testify that you walk on water and that the medical school would suffer such a blow to its reputation if it didn’t accept you that they would have to fold, I would withdraw their names from your LOR list. You’ve got your committee letter and one additional letter already. More letters are gravy – in all likelihood probably don’t make a big difference.
I had been told to not send LOR’s by clergy either for medical school or beyond…