Refresher math for Inorganic Chem

Hello -

Which math should I be very proficient at with Inorganic Chemistry?

I’m taking this course next Sept, and want to be ready. I had an A in college calculus 20 yrs ago but would probably bomb a basic algebra test today. So i started studying a college algebra book this week, and will keep refreshing my math skills til Sept. Any math tips would be great … online tools, interactive software, etc



Hey Dean, You are doing the right thing. DEFINITELY know your College Algebra. You will need it in General Chem, and Orgo. Most med schools math requirements are only up to Statistics OR Calc I. Very few require strictly Calc I. Hope that helps. God luck!


Hello DeanD

I’m a former Math & Computer Sc. major.

The summer prior to tackling PreMed courses, I sort of brushed up on algebra/Calculus I. In my case, it actually came back relatively quickly. I suspect as an ‘architecture’ person, you may find it comes back easy to you.

I found Calculus was a great way to be ready to tackle the rigors of Chemistry & Physics. In my case, the physics was largely dependant on Calculus, so I couldn’t do without it.

Good luck to you!


Inorganic (General) Chemistry 1:


PV=nRT and where those variables are derived from


grams to mol to molarity to …

Inorganic (General) Chemistry 2


inverse logs



Rate laws using logs and inverse logs; pH; etc.

I do NOT have calculus and have no intention of taking it. My last math class was in 1980 as a sophomore in high school (I’m 45).

The math in both gen chem and physics is easy stuff, IF you have a math head… which, apparently, I do.

BTW, if you are wondering, the university I attend gives a free math placement test to see where to start. It is also good for getting an idea of where one needs brushing up.

I placed into calculus off the bat… not sure how.

Good luck, welcome!

Thanks for the math advice. I’ve been brushing up on college algebra, and will be taking an online intermediate algebra class to solidify it all, and probly Trig over the summer. My friends get a kick at seeing me w/ my math book everywhere i go.

20 years ago, there was no youtube, math software, online anything … it’s great there are so many resources available(okay, now that really dates me).

Speaking of which, you might find this site useful:

MIT Open CourseWare

I’ve used it many times for a different perspective on an subject I was wrestling with. Sometimes the instructors nail it on the head and make something very clear that was otherwise, hazy.

My personal favorite, is the instructor talking about atoms like hot potatoes getting shuffled from one hand to another until it cools down. REALLY helped pictorialize in my head what was happening with the electrons.