This is my first time in OldPreMeds, I’m really liking this group!! Yesterday I was talking to my Calculus I professor about premed classes, he mentioned that taking Calculus II is a good idea since is required by many medical schools. I was wondering if is really necessary, I’ve seen the admission requirements at some schools and I don’t see Calculus II as something that you will need. What do you think?
I think “many” is a bit of a stretch. There are some schools that list calculus as a pre-req, but probably even fewer that require through calculus II. It’s probably far more likely for a school to require biochemistry than calculus.
That being said, it’s always a good idea to check the websites of schools that you think you might be seriously interested in and seeing what they list as pre-reqs.
- milenamc85 Said:
- Emergency Said:
That being said, it's always a good idea to check the websites of schools that you think you might be seriously interested in and seeing what they list as pre-reqs.
A very quick glance at 1/2 dozen websites for NY based MD schools show 5 out of 6 have no formal math requirement at all anymore. Out of the 4 SUNY med schools, NYU, and Eistein, only last required math and had computer science and statistics as acceptable to fulfill. I knew the requirement had diminished but it seems to be going away. My MSAR is packed away at the moment but you would either need to check that or check the specific school websites for requirements at each school. I have suggested to students in the past to take instead of Calc II, a stats course, which is likely easier and certainly more useful.
Many schools also will accept a semester of biochem in place of a semester of organic. Biochemistry is the course I hear most 1st year medical students complain/fear the most. Personally think a full year of organic and then a full year of biochem (for your advanced bio requirement or as an additional course) is a good strategy.
Quick survey of the Ohio medical schools (6 MD, 1 DO): 3 require “1 year of math”, 1 requires calculus only if applying to the MD/PhD program, 1 “strongly recommends” calculus (along with about 10 other courses beyond the typical pre-reqs).
Seriously, as mentioned above, a general statistics course would be far more useful to you than another calculus course. Basic statistics are tested on the USMLE, as well as epidemiology. Some med schools will teach you those, others won’t.
Calc I and II plus statistics would enable you to apply to the widest range of schools, but math requirements do vary quite a bit. Depending on what kind of physics sequence you take, you may need calc I as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. Some medical schools accept statistics in place of calc II. Keep in mind also that these courses must be completed prior to matriculation, not application. You should have most of your prereqs finished by the time you apply but you could delay something like calc II. Consider taking it during your application cycle or adding it only if you get interviews at your target schools that require it. Keep in mind that a greater number of schools require more than a year of biology than either biochem or calc II.
Often schools want one year of math, usually including single variable calc and often a stat class.
Is it single variable calc considered calc I and II?
I have taken college algebra, statistics, pre-calc and cal I already, I’m still undecided if I want to take calc II.
By default Calc II goes into multi varaiate theory. Calc III goes into complex domain analysis.
Usually schools ask for two semesters of Calc. Some/Most schools allow for one semester of Calc and one semester of Statistics to fulfill the two semesters of calculus requirement.