Right DIY Post-Bac Approach? Importance of High GPA vs Upward Trend?


I have a 2.88 undergraduate GPA and a 2.62 undergraduate science GPA in a biology degree. I had a lot of problems my sophomore year, but have a slight improvement overtime. However, I did complete a MPH and got a 3.93 GPA. Using the AACOMAS’s GPA calculation, my cumulative GPA is 3.194 and my cumulative science GPA is 2.77 (This includes both my undergraduate and graduate courses). I have been out of undergraduate for 7-years. I have been out of graduate school for 5-years.

Since it has been over 10-years since I have taken the core science courses, I will be doing a DIY post-bacc. For my first year, I plan to take a lot of the foundation core courses like (Bio I & II, Chem I & II, A&P I & II, Microbiology, and Biochemistry). My first semester will be at a community college and I will transfer to do the rest of my post-bacc at my local 4-year public university. My second year I plan to take more advance courses like immunology, molecular biology, endocrinology, etc. Now that I am matured and understand how to effectively study, I am confident in my abilities to do well. If all goes well, I am hoping to finish with a post-bacc GPA of at least 3.7 to 4.0. Is this DIY plan the right approach for me?

When ADCOMs look at non-traditional students, which is more important for them? Having a high GPA from the start, or seeing that upward trend in GPA?

Please note, I have not taken the MCAT yet.

I would really appreciate your help.

Your undergrad gpa and your graduate gpa always remain separate they are never combined as the courses are different and the level they are taught at are completely opposite. If you’re non-traditional with low gpa than an upward trend would matter most but they’re still going to look at your undergrad and graduate GPA