Seeking Help

Hey sweet people,

I write to seek your help on which classes to take. I am a non Traditional student with a BSN. Which means I do not have to take all the college prerequisites for a student to graduate. However it poses a challenge to me. So far I have taken General chem 1 & 2, Biology 1 & 2, Trignometry and Genetics. This coming fall I am thinking of taking physics 1 and organic chemistry 1. I need to add another class. For some reason I can take a minimum of 12 credits. Other options or extra class to add to make it 12 credits include Calculus, Immunology, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology and I think after this I would want to take MCAT. Now I seem to be left with the hard core sciences. Any suggestions on what to add to physics and organic chemistry. FYI rumour has it that the professor for organic chemistry makes it nasty to the point that some students think she gets relief with or feel good to see poor grades. I know you guys have gone through this, what suggestions would you have for me? or any advice would be welcome like on how you handled organic chem and physics to make good grades.FYI all the classes I have taken so far I have A’s. This last semester I have to say it was very rough than the previous semester. Thanks for taking your time to read.

If you’re applying next year, maybe look at which courses might get added to prereqs with the change in MCAT. I think some schools are doing away with a prereq list, some aren’t changing, and some are adding classes like social science and psych. I haven’t done enough research to give you real specifics, but you may want to look at the schools you’re interested in applying to.


If your taking the MCAT next year, the. You will be taking the MCAT that will have a section on biochemistry. The new MCAT is 7hours and includes two new sections. Log onto AMCAS and see what the new and old sections cover that matches your studies. I would recommend taking the MCAT after Physics 2, after Ochem 2, after Biochem, with a solid Bio basis. Review A and P for the Bio section. I think the other new section is Psych, but check AMCAS.

The only other advice I have is take real time full length practice tests. A 7 hour test against the clock is not an easy thing to do. Practice with it and get your sea legs under you.

I found the website Chemspider, and the Japanese spectral database very useful during Ochem. It shocks me how few people have heard of Chemspider.

If Organic I and Physics I are already on your plate, I wouldn’t advise loading up on more difficult science pre-reqs. Granted, as you said, you don’t have to take any gen-eds, but given that Organic can be a bit of a bear, I would anticipate having enough to handle with those two courses alone. By the way, is Org I and II not pre-reqs for Biochem I at your school?


I would advise you to focus on those two classes, they are heavy classes and alot of curriculm aspects to them. I pray this helps you

Thanks for your advice. I could have loved to take physics and org 1 only unfortunately due to other factors I am required to take 12 credits. so I am asking myself which other class would I add to make 12 credits? Immunology? I seem to be heading where I have taken already all the basic requirements and left out with these real sciences. The school requires org 1 or 2 to take Biochem.

Thanks for your advice. and I have to work too 36 hrs a week and a family. It gets crazy for sure. I don’t know.

Congratulations on your acceptance. Do you mind sharing what your gpa, mcat score was and how much time you studied for MCAT and the resources you used? Thanks.