Step ! is DONE

I’m sure later on I will feel good about it. But, MAN! I feel like I was hit by a bus!

YAY!! Go Denise!!!

I’m with you on the bus thing, though. I walked out of there having absolutely NO idea how I did on that test and absolutely wanting to kill my friend who said he thought the test was much easier than he expected.

Go have a drink and spend a few weeks relaxing before med 3!

  • Emergency! Said:
I walked out of there having absolutely NO idea how I did on that test and absolutely wanting to kill my friend who said he thought the test was much easier than he expected.

I love you.

Just another important medical fact, the warnings about the disulfuram-like reaction between alcohol and metronidazole also apply to the topical Metrolotion. I love my life so much.

Doesn’t it feel grand to have step 1 done?! And, thanks for the heads-up on the metrolotion. I might see that next week on step 2!

congrats I know exactly how you feel!

now take 10

Congratulations, Denise! I was so numb the night after I finished Step 1 that your description of the bus wreck seemed very familiar! Tomorrow, you may feel a little bit “hungover”, but after that, you will hopefully be able to relax and enjoy the rest of your summer.

I took my test on May 30th. The last 2 weeks have been HEAVENLY!


Yaaaaaaaay, Denise and Lu! OMG I hated that test. Still gives me a headache to think about it. I am not kidding, of all the tests I took, from MCAT to specialty Boards, that was the worst.


Step 1 SUCKED MAJOR ASS!! I took it twice - COMLEX 1 & USMLE 1 for ‘retarded’ reasons. I agree with Dr. Renard, it has been the absolute worst thus far. I have three more major ones left (written anesth, oral anesth & critical care); so I cannot vouch for it being THE worst. I suspect with only a 66% pass rate, the anesth orals will take that honor!