I just signed up for a general chemistry summer course, and as a result I have earned 4100 extra miles from my USAir visa. It means having no life other than studying basic chemistry for 8 weeks, exams every Monday morning, problem sets every week, and trying to stay away from the web browser during that time.
It also means turning down all new software contracts and music gigs that are coming my way, draining my savings, and continuing to torture myself by wondering if I’m doing the right thing. None of this is helped by my spouse’s and other relatives’ continued skepticism.
Anyway, it feels like the right thing to do, so I’m doing it! Good luck to all,
It’s doable. I did gen chem with a lab and discussion section in an 8-week summer session while working 32 hours a week (on campus, fortunately). Your life will not completely evaporate, and you can probably fit in a few odd jobs to keep the bread and butter flowing. If you spend an hour a night on homework, plus time on the weekends, you’ll probably be fine.
Of course, if your labs require extensive, time-consuming lab reports, that’ll add some time. But mine didn’t.
Good luck!!!
Good luck Terry, make sure you let us know how it all works out for you. I am studying for my practical and final exams in the Bio class at HES. The lawn on campus seems to be coming in nicely, hopefully you will be able to lounge on it to study!
It’s doable. I did gen chem with a lab and discussion section in an 8-week summer session while working 32 hours a week (on campus, fortunately).
Wow, you worked 32 hours a week? It’s hard to imagine; you must have been exhausted. My class will be 31 hours a week of lecture, labs, sections, etc. Luckily, I’m unemployed
Good luck with your bio exams. I liked the HES bio prof. Seems like a straightforward fellow. How have you found the class?
It’s doable. I did gen chem with a lab and discussion section in an 8-week summer session while working 32 hours a week (on campus, fortunately).
Wow, you worked 32 hours a week? It’s hard to imagine; you must have been exhausted. My class will be 31 hours a week of lecture, labs, sections, etc. Luckily, I’m unemployed
Hmm…you mean BOTH semester of chem, then. Sorry, I just did one. So I had five hours of lecture, two of discussion, and six of lab. Basically, I worked 7:15-5:00 or 5:30 to make up for the hours I was out of the office during the day, and the evenings belonged to me and my chemistry textbook.
You’ll be just about twice as busy as I was, only without working, so I think you’ll be okay. I think it would help to set up a study group to sit and do problems with in the evenings. Set the study group to meet at the time of day you’d otherwise be goofing off and trying to make yourself study. Having that commitment to sit down at a particular time and do the work will help, and helping each other with the problems helps you learn better.
I like the class. It is harder than any of the classes I have taken lately (those were all at a cc so I guess that is to be expected) but the lectures are really interesting. The study guide and practice exams really help you know what to expect on the tests… the expectations are HIGH. There is a huge amount of material to assimilate and it takes steady work.
I feel like I have learned more this semester than in the last three classes I took…
Hi TTraub, I’m also taking the plunge. Last Friday was my last day at work - left a profession making 100k plus. I will be starting my General Chemistry and lab in 2 weeks. It will be a whole new world for me, but I couldn’t be happier. Good luck!