You need speakers, as the song definitely needs to be heard. A wee bit of profanity at the end, but most in a medical environment should find it amusing enough to forgive A little long at first, but play it through to the end.
OMG that is hilarious. Thanks for sharing!
I see the words, and I have working speakers, but I don’t see a place to make the song play on the website – ?
I have to say that right now, while I am again reviewing pharmacology for the boards, I find this song to be more than just a little funny!
You need speakers, as the song definitely needs to be heard. A wee bit of profanity at the end, but most in a medical environment should find it amusing enough to forgive A little long at first, but play it through to the end.
I’m still laughing! This is awesome. I’m going to send it to several people in my class.
Someone took “The Drugs Song” and put a “video” together with it. You can find it here .
Apparently, the guys that wrote this are physicians and put out a whole album called “Fitness to Practice”. You can’t order it right now, but you can listen to some other tracks on this page. “Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin” is pretty funny, as well.
Click on the red icon thingy at the top left.