The marathon starts in 2 months!

I’m reregistered and will be returning to my alma matter (The Ohio State University) in 2 months to start my journey into medicine. Will be working towards a second degree in Coordinated Dietetics while completing my prereqs. Planning to have General Chem and Bio fulfilled by the end of Summer 09. O-Chem and Physics by Summer 10.

Funny to think that this Christmas I’ll be asking my family to chip in to buy me the Exam Krackers MCAT series!

Now all I have to do is find the appropriate time to tell my employer that I’m going back to school full time … (I’m 1 of 2 sales executives on a team that let go of half the staff this summer … yikes!)

If there are any premeds who are taking courses at OSU, feel free to send me a PM. I’d like to organize an MCAT study group for us.

Current Age: 27

BSBA Management Information Systems @ 22

MS Coordinated Dietetics @ 31

MD @ 35

Man I’m new here and I just want to say that the amount of people who are pursuing their dreams are amazing and especially after already having a career established. I know you will do well, Good luck and i hope to follow in your footsteps after completing my engineering degree.


By choosing the Dietetics route, is that helping you qualify for financial aid?

How did you decide on dietetics? That seems like a great route if one is into nutrition, which I am.

I noticed that at my alma, one does not qualify for financial aid for post bacc work, unless it is a second degree.

What classes are you taking beginning in January and how many?

Just curious, thanks.

I still need to enroll in either CC or my Alma, really trying to decide which one. My Alma will be opening a medical school in 2010.

  • Sra2791 Said:

By choosing the Dietetics route, is that helping you qualify for financial aid?

How did you decide on dietetics? That seems like a great route if one is into nutrition, which I am.

I noticed that at my alma, one does not qualify for financial aid for post bacc work, unless it is a second degree.

What classes are you taking beginning in January and how many?

Just curious, thanks.

I still need to enroll in either CC or my Alma, really trying to decide which one. My Alma will be opening a medical school in 2010.

I registered as a continuing education student with the intention of taking prereqs for the Coordinated Dietetics program. Once the quarter starts, all I have to do is call the Allied Medical Professions office and let them know that I'm not longer a business student and need to have my tag changed. I did have to let my financial aid office know that I'm working towards a second degree to get the aid.

This year, I drastically changed my lifestyle and lost almost 30 pounds and reversed a trend that would have ultimately led me to Type 2 Diabetes. My father passed away from it when he was 50 so that was kind of a motivator. The experience of eating clean, getting back into shape, and dropping my overall cholesterol from 210 to 145 is what lead me into studying nutrition. I know how good it feels to be as healthy as possible, so I'd love to be able to help others in that area. What is interesting is that dietetics is comprised of mostly women! I wonder if there are scholarships for men studying nutrition :-)

The first quarter back, I'll be taking Chem 121, Allied Med 201, and Sociology 101 (a prereq for dietetics). I wanted to fit in Physics or Bio but the lab times conflicted with each other. On a quarter system, I'll be taking 11 credit hours. Since we're on quarters, General Chem and Physics are 3 quarters long. Bio is only 2. O-Chem is 3 lecture classes and 2 lab classes.

The choice between CC and 4 year is a tough one. CC allows us as to get our prereqs done and probably be more financially flexible. I decided to take the 4 year route because my cost of living is pretty low. I'm single with no kids and my first degree is completely paid off. For Ohio State Medical Sschool (god willing that I have a chance to get in) it is considered a better option to take the prereqs at a 4 year. At this point, any good medical school that I can earn a spot at will be fine ... as long as it's not Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.

Good Luck!