I know that it may be too early to be thinking about this, but what are good books re: the match?
Iserson’s Getting Into a Residency seems like a good starting point, but I’d appreciate hearing about any other books along that line.
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Quote: from RWankum on 8:22 am on Jan. 28, 2002 I know that it may be too early to be thinking about this, but what are good books re: the match? |
Hi there,
I used First Aid for the Match as my guide to getting through this process. It has been a great resource. The biggest hurdle that you will face in getting into the residency of your choice is getting the scores on USMLE Step I. I can honestly say, that my Step I score(and my research in medical school) opened more doors than any other part of my ERAS application. There are cut-off scores for the more competitive residencies. I found the information in First Aid for the Match to be pretty accurate. Some specialties such as Anesthesia had a huge number of applications and edged into the competitive ranks this year. I cannot emphasize more, the importance of this test to be competitive for allopathic residencies. Some of the more competitive places such as Hopkins and Mayo have asked for Step II too. Be sure to take Step I and Step II as soon as possible. If I had to re-do this process, I would have taken Step II in September but thankfully, I made the cut.
Thanks Natalie and Mary, I will be buying those books after I finish with Step 1