tomorrow is last day to withdrawl from O chem

looks like I will get a B- at Harvard. I got 2 A’s and a B+ in physics from Northwestern and all A’s in chemistry from community college. I generally test pretty well.

Anyone feel like throwing in 2 cents for if I should withdraw and retake this?

I would take a B-, but that’s me. I know of two people that got into med school with Cs in OChem, but they weren’t trying to get into Harvard, Stanford, MIT, etc. OChem 2 is harder than 1, so you should think about that before taking it in the summer.

B- in OChem I is pretty darn good. In my OCHem class of 200 people I think only 10 or so got A’s.

…jimi44, this is 2 semesters of O chem packed into 6.5 weeks. It has been the worst summer of my life and its not even close…

I just want to add I don’t want to get an MD/PhD or be a Derm or anything though I would like to be a specialist.

I’m thinking I would rather be in the top half of my class in a lower ranked med school than struggling to keep up at a top school. Is that reasonable?

Do you think I will still be competitive at some moderately competitive med schools in the range of like UIC, RUSH, Miami if all my other ducks are in row? I should have around a 3.5ish science GPA, 3.6 post bacc and 3.3 cumulative (did meh in undergrad)

  • HeyEveryone Said:
looks like I will get a B- at Harvard. I got 2 A's and a B+ in physics from Northwestern and all A's in chemistry from community college. I generally test pretty well.

Anyone feel like throwing in 2 cents for if I should withdraw and retake this?

A "W" will be a hell of alot worse on a transcript than a B- in summer Ochem course. I would strongly urge you to NOT withdraw

thanks for recommendations everyone. I stayed in. Wish me luck I guess.

I asked the professor, my uncle (a med school prof), a TF, a couple friends, and this forum (this is probably obsessive). All said to stay in.

They mainly said that my stats will be likely be good enough to get an interview at some med schools even with this one sorta boo boo.

(Here’s stuff that I think people should know if they don’t that I really probably should have known lol…)

They said once you are in the interview the person you are is more important than GPA/MCAT. I’ll likely not get into some top research schools because of this/my pretty bad undergrad GPA but I’m not sure I had a shot there anyway or even want them as a #1 choice (this class has taught me how frustrating always feeling 1/2 a step behind feels, to me at least).

There’s a sorta baseline of smarts/work ethic it takes to get through med school but once you are above that line what really matters to most schools is what you’ll be like once you actually finish med school. The interview is a large part of how they determine that.

Also pretty much all of them told me a story of their friend that went to a top school and ended up getting their last residency choice and their other friend going to kentucky or something and getting an extremely competitive residency. A lot of it is what you make of it and who likes you when interview prior to match.

OK, just put in a 13 hour day, time for bed. I hope this helps some people.

Hey whats wrong with Kentucky, except for the fact that the let in TOO MANY OOSers for this residnets liking…

Don’t worry I’m not mad at you.

  • HeyEveryone Said:
There's a sorta baseline of smarts/work ethic it takes to get through med school but once you are above that line what really matters to most schools is what you'll be like once you actually finish med school. The interview is a large part of how they determine that.

This is very true. So much so that at our school, interviewers are blinded to applicants' GPA & MCAT (and age). The interview is all about the kind of person you are and the kind of doctor you'll be.