Too early to call me pre-med?

Hello all. I posted my introduction rant last night. I’ve been going back and fourth with the struggle of becoming a nurse and going on to become a NP or shooting for doctor like I’ve wanted for years. I’m 29 years old, married and a mother of 4. I finally got the courage to go back to school this past January and I’m attending my local community college for pre-nursing. I just completed my CNA certification in May as well. My grades are great, 4.0 GPA actually, but I feel like I’ve been settling on the nurse route since it’s less time and money and while I would love being a nurse, I’m not truly happy with that decision. On the other-hand, I’ve been terrified of changing majors only to wish I went the nursing route as planned. Well, this morning I made a decision and I went with it! I applied to transfer to Northern Kentucky University for a B.S. in Biochemistry/pre-medicine . It felt unreal selecting my major and seeing “pre-medicine” before I hit the apply button. I had to make a move one way or another, I was going crazy with the what-ifs. I feel like I’m on my way! Is it too soon to shout, “I’m pre-med?!”

Nope…welcome to the pre med world!