US Schools that offer best international experience

I am a pre-med postbac that is very interested in study-abroad opportunity for US med schools. Are there certain schools that encourage/offer more opportunity that others? Anyone have particularly interesting experiences or schools that they recommend? Thanks.

I had a great opportunity studying abroad with IAU (Institute for American Universites, ) through my alma mater, Carnegie Mellon University; I’d definitely recommend something similar for others.

That said, I have no idea on med school study abroad opportunities - but please post back here if you find out!

Mayo Medical School offers the Hoffman scholarship and will pay all expenses for up to 8 weeks in an country underserved by healthcare. You can go during your 4th year (or end of your 3rd year).

There are no set programs…that is you find the hospital, contact them, and see if they’ll take you as a student. You apply for the scholarship with an essay and a proposed budget. They give you 3/4 of the money before you go and the last 1/4 when you return. They always have more money available then is actually used each year so no one gets denied (unless your proposed opportunity does not meet criteria for underserved or there is a state department travel advisory for the particular area you are going). They even pay for travel health insurance/evacuation insurance, plus all the pre-travel health care you might need in terms of immunizations, anti-malarial prophylaxis, HIV prophylaxis is needed, etc.

I went to a rural hospital in Malawi in Southern Africa. A great experience. Other students in my class went to Brazil, India, Mexico, Ghana, Dominican Republic, etc., etc. I think my budget was around $5000 and it was approved without question.

Wow, mpp - that sounds great, and very much different from what I experienced.

How would you say a program like that affects your med school timeline? Does it take place when you’d be on break? set you back? provide an invaluable and unique experience?

It counts just as any other elective that you might do in Chicago or New York. It doesn’t set you back at all as long as you take care of the rest of your required rotations.

I have to agree with MPP in that Mayo is always offering opportunities for those of us interested in overseas experiences. As a matter of fact our third year elective can also be done overseas. I am going to Spain to work with a rural family doctor and another classmate is going to Tanzania. You can use the Hoffman scholarship for the third year elective and some of my classmates are. I OTOH will pay out of pocket for this one and use the Hoffman next year.

Wow – this sounds really exciting. mmp – I actually had a dentist friend study in Malawi as well throught UNC-Chapel Hill Dental School, he definitely said it was a life changing experience. Just the kind of opportunity that makes you feel like you’re making a difference… Thanks!