working/volunteering abroad

I am interested in doing some work internationally this summer - after having completed my first year at Temple. Does anyone have any suggestions for organized programs, clinics, or contacts that could help me locate a destination for a month or two. Ideally, I would love to get some kind of funding but I know this might be a stretch, given how little clinical knowledge/experience I have after completing my first year.

you could start with the organizations on the AMSA page here:
AMSA international volunteering

I don’t know if this is the kind of thing you’re looking for, but I’m doing a 4 week clinical elective in France this summer through the Internation Federation of Medical Student Associations. Here’s the link if you want to find out more (the info is under professional exchanges). It’s a great deal-- you’re only in the hospital for 5 hours a day to give you plenty of time to explore, and everything is covered except plane fare and spending money.
Good luck!