Yeahhhhh - 3rd semester down

I’m a little extatic now, I have to let it out somewhere! This is the place.

I just had my last lecture in the 3rd semester of my informal post-bac program. It was an organic I lecture, and the topics included aromatic substitutions in benzene rings, alkylation, acylation, Friedel-Crafts, rearrangements, activating/deactivating groups, and ortho-meta-para directors. The lecturer, the sweetest and nicest lady I’ve ever seen teaching this type of material, had for her last words: Have a nice life!

It brought a chuckle, and a TREMENDOUS sigh of relief. Her words did resonnate, though not in a Huckle-aromatic-stabilization type of way.

Our final is 3 days away - the schedule just worked out that way - last lecture on Tuesday, final on Friday - them’s the breaks sometimes.

So, I’ll hit the cue-cards, old finals, and practice problems now, and will keep my fingers crossed for this, and the other 3 finals I’ll be writing.

Over Christmas, barring any Cs, I do plan to start my applications process to 3 schools.


  • Presse Said:
I'm a little extatic now, I have to let it out somewhere! This is the place.

I just had my last lecture in the 3rd semester of my informal post-bac program. It was an organic I lecture, and the topics included aromatic substitutions in benzene rings, alkylation, acylation, Friedel-Crafts, rearrangements, activating/deactivating groups, and ortho-meta-para directors. The lecturer, the sweetest and nicest lady I've ever seen teaching this type of material, had for her last words: Have a nice life!

It brought a chuckle, and a TREMENDOUS sigh of relief. Her words did resonnate, though not in a Huckle-aromatic-stabilization type of way.

Our final is 3 days away - the schedule just worked out that way - last lecture on Tuesday, final on Friday - them's the breaks sometimes.

So, I'll hit the cue-cards, old finals, and practice problems now, and will keep my fingers crossed for this, and the other 3 finals I'll be writing.

Over Christmas, barring any Cs, I do plan to start my applications process to 3 schools.


Congrats!! I definitely know how it is to have the semester close to being over. I'm counting down the days (12 school days) until the semester is over. Focusing on finals kind of sucks though because I'm close enough to an A in pre-calc that I should try (if I get an 87 or higher on the last exam and final then I have it) but far enough away to stress, same with English, so bleh. But yeah, we're almost done!!