Hi everyone! It has been a long time since I posted, and I never did that much anyway. I mostly used to scan the stories to see if anyone had any advice for what I believed to be my worst-case scenario. The few times I did post, I got some truly inspiring advice, so I wanted to share my success with you in some attempt to thank you (thank you Dave and everyone else!) and give back.
MCAT: 24 (8,8,8–took 3 times–once a 10 in verbal–one thing at this point I could fix if I didn’t get in this run)
Cum. GPA: 2.95
Science: 2.9
That’s after 55 c.h. of prereq repeats at CC while working; got honor society nod and was VP of leadership for them; last 60 c.h. GPA 3.9.
I continued volunteering during this time also; total 50 hours in ER; 2 physician shadows (my DO and my OB). My brother was also a doc–guess the point of that is that I had some “inside” info. on what it was like to be a doc–sure didn’t help with admissions in any way, even at his school, which is really how I’d want it anyway by the way. I also was a CNA for about a year a long time ago; medical transcriptionist for about 10 years.
I applied 2 years ago; 4 interviews, 2 of them DO; all waitlists. I applied to 2 SMPs, got in both, then couldn’t get the loans without a cosigner because bankruptcy due to pregnancy illness and medical bills made me ineligible for grad plus loans (didn’t know that), and I don’t have a cosigner since dad died and mom is retired.
Hope this sounds familiar or is helpful…now here comes the good news:
Went to local traditional masters program, got stafford loans instead of working; achieved 4.0, did research, nod from another honor society, but that’s about it—unless you count personal business like 1 son starting preschool and 1 getting ready to start kindergarten this fall!
Applied this year; cast a little wider net (12 schools). I only got 2 interviews–no DO which makes me laugh because supposedly they are easier for nontrads to get into. My brother (the DO) died tragically in the interim. I trudged on with the same MCAT, 4.0 grad, same undergrad GPA, same other stats…
1 “accept when place available” (which is the list I want to be on at that school, but still waiting) and 1 acceptance!!! The acceptance involves a summer prematriculation program; 6-week course review to prepare me for MS1 in fall; need a B or better to matriculate.
Obviously, I don’t want to bring false hope, just serve as an example that there are always exceptions. My point is yes you can get in with CC credit, yes you can work, yes you can be “old” (33) with kids. You can do it even if you’ve gone bankrupt (now 5 years out, so eligible for grad plus again–yay! ); even if personal tragedy has overcome you at some point, there still is hope. God can make the impossible your reality. Be prepared…just when you think you understand the admissions process, the Adcoms will confuse the heck out of you! I just wanted a chance to prove myself, and I got it.
I wish each and every one of you the best of luck in your endeavors, and it my sincere hope that you reach a point of satisfaction in your personal story.
Thank you!
Just another story to focus on when I wonder, “can I?”
Thanks for the story! Makes me feel better to know that I can overcome to low GPA and do it having kids and working!
That is wonderful to hear! I too am in a similar situation, gpa slightly higher but not much. Trying to get into a rather competitive MD program in my hometown. Wish me luck!
Where did you get in if you do mind me asking?
Many congratulations! And, I appreciate the flattery! Keep us up to date on your jounrey…we loose too many valuable resources at about this point. I guess they “outgrow” us?
That’s really encouraging, especially for those of us who have our confidence flag from time to time.
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news as my original undergrad is a 2.9 and I’m trying to correct that.
Good for you!
Congrats on the acceptance! I would think that you might have gotten more DO acceptances if you applied to more schools (12 is relatively small number of applications, especially when your GPA and MCAT are not phenomental). But then I understand that when raising a family along with going to med school, more limitations, such as location, may limit applications. Whatever! At least you got your acceptance and that is what matters!