Although not quite the same league as Joe and his National Public Radio editorials, I have now been published in << ahem >> Dear Abby.
Thank you - yes, yes, I appreciate your support…
I'm going to print this sage bit of writing and put it in my wallet along with all the other treasured Abby pearls.
Thank you. Thank you.
(Many obsequious bows and grateful sounds to touch the royal hem…)
Well, as someone has graciously pointed out to me, that link takes you to the current Dear Abby page - which is of no use since my letter was yesterday. Don’t worry, you’re not missing anything .
This link should take you right to it. Congrats by the way!!…da&uc_daction=X
I suppose “kiss off freeloader” is not a good reply?
QUOTE (futrfysician @ Dec 15 2002, 05:30 PM) |
I suppose "kiss off freeloader" is not a good reply? |
Probably nicer than what I'd say!!
The classic story along these lines is where the doctor says, “Well, yes, I’ll have to examine you thoroughly. Please take off your shirt and pants.”
QUOTE (Mary Renard @ Dec 16 2002, 09:17 AM) |
The classic story along these lines is where the doctor says, "Well, yes, I'll have to examine you thoroughly. Please take off your shirt and pants." |
LOL!! Now I like that!
Hey–Dear Abby is the big time! For cultural influence I think she’s got NPR beat hands-down. Very cool.
sf/boston joe
PS: The other reply for you might be, “Well, I’m a surgeon, so I guess I better go get my scalpels out of the car. Get a bottle of whiskey and we’ll do this the old-fashioned way.”
I can just picture the look on her face if you said that!
LMAO!!! God that is funny stuff! And they say docs don’t have a sense of humor.
QUOTE (joewright @ Dec 16 2002, 02:56 PM) |
Hey--Dear Abby is the big time! For cultural influence I think she's got NPR beat hands-down. Very cool. cheers sf/boston joe PS: The other reply for you might be, "Well, I'm a surgeon, so I guess I better go get my scalpels out of the car. Get a bottle of whiskey and we'll do this the old-fashioned way." |
Hey Joe,
What you mean "whiskey" for surgery? That's just something you take a swig of before you start to clear your head. It's not meant for patients at all. The real test of a good operation is having the patient bite on a stick while you do your thing! Besides, the blood spurting everywhere will take the patient's mind off any pain that they are "imagining".
The recommendation I have liked best so far is, to have taken the child’s arm in my hands and shouted (in my best ‘Bones’ McCoy impression):
“My god! I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker! Don’t you fools realize this arm is a goner!”
Check out today’s…the replies are comin’ in
Sorry…don’t know the link for Jan 28 specifically…