You know the application season has driven you mad when.....

I saw all of us folks applying this season getting a little strung out from the secondaries and thought a little humor might be warrented along the lines of you might be an OPM…

The secondary season has driven you made when…

You use the words exhilarating, outstanding, leadership, ect in everyday conversation.

You credit card statement contains nothing but secondary fees.

HA! Ok, I have nothing to contribute, because I’m not in secondaries for another year… but I’m just ecstatic that my “you might be an OPMer” post now has a sequel. Nice!

(Hilarious, by the way, Bailey… I have this vision of you in a grocery store asking the produce guy to assist you in choosing the tomatoes that best exemplify quality, leadership, and integrity… )

I’ve spent the last few weekends hanging out with my younger brother, and each weekend has had a “theme.” Last weekend’s theme was “describe yourself in 1,000 characters or less.” The weekend before was “what does a life in discovery mean to you?” So anything funny or dramatic that happened was followed by “well, it’s all part of a life in discovery.” haha Really I was hoping to get some helpful ideas from him, but that didn’t happen It has definitely provided some comic relief to manage the stress of these things. I wonder what this weekend’s theme will be?

  • BaileyPup Said:
The secondary season has driven you made when.....

the first thing you do after waking up is check email on your phone for any status updates that may have arrived overnight.

you get angry when you can’t reuse an essay

or you determine which application you will do by the number of questions and essays you have to answer.

Even better, you get mad when an application has too many essays or when it has no essays, but costs $100. It’s like I spent $100 for this.

  • desert_shawn Said:
the first thing you do after waking up is check email on your phone for any status updates that may have arrived overnight.

Hahaha, I totally do that.

You know the application season has driven you mad when... you are *excited* about applications *without* essays because that means you have one less to write in the ridiculously short time frame you have given yourself.

...or when you explain the primary/secondary/intervi ew process to people/friends/family and keep feeling surprised when they say "WHY would anyone do that?!?"
  • Switzerland Said:
I've spent the last few weekends hanging out with my younger brother, and each weekend has had a "theme."

I am stealing this! Sooooo good.
  • BaileyPup Said:
The secondary season has driven you made when.....

you and your spouse maintain separate spreadsheets for your application progress (my wife wanted to color code hers).
  • desert_shawn Said:
  • BaileyPup Said:
The secondary season has driven you made when.....

you and your spouse maintain separate spreadsheets for your application progress (my wife wanted to color code hers).

LOL! I'm totally color-coding mine too! (When I get to that point next summer.)

In fact, I've started a spreadsheet of the schools I'm interested in applying to, and have already been color-coding them for other aspects. It's SOOOO much fun!

Love this thread! I remember doing all of this last year.

My husband had a spreadsheet that scored individual schools based on climate, tuition, cost of living, and quality of nearby schools. He’s already talking about making one for residency…

You know the application season has driven you mad when…you literally check your email 50+ times/day, hoping that there is some kind - any kind- of update or information.

You also know you’ve lost it when every time your phone rings, you jump a million miles into the air, thinking it may be an interview. Every unknown number or unfamiliar number is a possibility…especially if its from an area code you know you applied to a school in…

Good luck everyone! I hope all of you have an incredible and mostly low stress application season!

You know the application season has driven you mad when… the administrative assistant at your university’s pre-health office doesn’t have to look into your file to tell you “No, you haven’t gotten any more LORS in.”

I swear I only call once a week. It just happens to be every Monday at the same time.

When you realize that after a summer of worring about secondaries, you get to have a fall of worring about intreviews (hopefully)

… when you still get excited about every supplemental you receive.

At this point everyone but my husband responds with “Oh, another one? Aren’t you tired of writing essays? Can’t you just pick a school?”

Related note, I am amused by the emails that say I qualify for possible screening to get a secondary. It’s not a supplemental app, just letting me know in 1.5-2 months they might send me one. I get happy about those, too. Definitely driven mad.