27 year old pre-med looking for advice

Hello everyone,

A quick background story on myself…

I am a 27 y/o pre-med student. Had some recurring health issues which began at the end of high school which, among other things, affected my college grades (gpa 2.77) – but more so my spirit. After college, I had two great jobs (one in healthcare finance and another working as a healthcare administration manager of a home health care company) and then went to graduate school and just obtained my MPH. Aside from my college gpa, I have a very strong post-college academic, professional, and personal record. Career wise I could find a good job, but something always felt missing. Although I always wanted to be a physician, I felt that my academic history (and truthfully my motivation) was holding me back, so I decided to go for my MPH to find a way to make a difference. However, somewhat unexpectedly I found myself on a pre-med track a year ago after finally biting the bullet and seeking treatment for my own health problems - the entire experience inspired me to go for my dream. Also my MPH did not give me the patient contact I desired, which has led me to medicine. I have finished bio 1,2 and gen chem 1 (currently almost done with gen chem 2) and have gotten A’s in all classes, which leaves orgo and physics for the coming school year. After speaking with a pre-med counselor at the university where I completed my MPH, she told me that community college pre-med classes could hurt my application (given my low college gpa); however that has ended up being the most economical option for me and I have taken 3/4 classes at a CC. I find myself constantly getting discouraged by my age (at 27 I don’t consider myself old by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that medicine is a long road), as well as the general struggles and hurdles you have to overcome as a pre-med student who is older and married. Would ideally like to apply for DO and MD programs, however I know that DO programs are not only competitive but sparse in some regions and MD programs are even more competitive. Would appreciate any advice from anyone who has gone through a similar experience. Am planning on taking orgo 2 and physics 2 spring semester in the year I apply - any advice on whether it would be possible to take the MCAT later than the April date? I need to make sure I do well on the MCAT but am not sure how I would be able to do this while taking both classes. Do med schools look for calculus also? Unfortunately all of my friends are currently in residency and I don’t have any non traditional applications to ask for advice on the application process. Any advice on really any of the issues above, or similar stories/encouragement, would be most welcome It’s great that this site exists, I just came upon it today. Thank you!

I can’t offer much advice as I am not even in med school yet. So here is my 2 cents:

  1. Many of us have skeletons from the past and yet many were able to get in school. Don’t let your past prevent you from getting to your dream. As long as you show motivation and a nice trend upward, schools will look past your … past.

  2. For calculus, you should probably consider stats, it seems to satisfy the math requirement at most schools (check with your own choices)

  3. Taking the MCAT with 2 classes is very challenging. I would advise against. But again, up to you. You can probably sit during may or even june and apply early enough (hoping for a good scores). It might be worth considering delaying an extra year just for the MCAT.

    You are 27, and a baby by this forum’s standard. Do things well and wisely rather than fast.

    Good luck to you and welcome amongst us.

Welcome! Most DO schools are very non-trad friendly and your age will be NO barrier (believe me, I know!) and unlikely to be a barrier for MD schools. Doing well on MCAT’s is crucial. You can take in very early June, do your applications (which take a LONG time to fill out) immediately so submit them in early June prior to MCAT scores coming back, although this is gambling on having a good MCAT score. Advantage - if you study part time for MCAT during the semester and are done with classes in May, this gives you some weeks of full-time MCAT prep. I took in May but basically that’s what I did. It’s summer now- work on the bio section and verbal section of MCAT now!


27? You are a baby!I am 33. Honestly, a doctor whom I worked with kept telling me that adcom would welcome older people who have “real life experience”. In fact, when I was doubting that my age would be a hindrance in becoming a doctor, he reminded me that I shouldn’t call myself “old”, rather, I am “experienced”. I believe that my improved maturity will help me to become a better doctor, so really, don’t let this age thing bother you too much on pursuing your dream!f