Congratulations Matt!
Thank God. I’ve been following your application processes like a soap opera and I was going to be horrified if you hadn’t gotten in.
Erica, you know me better than you think! All my friends in São Paulo comment on my dramatic personality, which in this country is really saying something.
Congrats, Matt!!! I’m so glad to see that your hard work paid off!
OH I AM SO GLAD, MATT!!! Congratulations on a hard-won achievement. Please be sure to stick around and tell everyone how it’s going.
… and accept this big {{{congratulatory hug}}} from me. I am really thrilled to hear this news.
Congrats to everyone who’s been accepted so far!!!
Sweeeeeeeet Matt! I am proud of you! You have definitely had to stick it out & have certainly earned your berth. And, I deeply appreciate your kind words about this organization.
Now, I want to ask you a favor in return for your gains from OPM. Please remain as active as you can be - by no means should you sacrifice your med school performance - and continue to contribute to OPM. Retaining active members is something we have struggled to do since day one. Folks tend to get in, get very busy & forget about OPM. I would deeply appreciate it if not only you; but ALL of the entering class of 2007/graduating in 2011 group would do this. It is not for me nor any of the other senior members. However, it is for those who come after you & who still seek the Grail.
Congrats!! You deserve to celebrate now. I will second what OMD said. I disappeared during my MSI year feeling like I was overwhelmed and didn’t have time. In retrospect (yes, hind-sight is 20-20) I wish I had stayed active. When I came back late in my MSI year, I re-discovered all of the great support was still there for getting through med-school. And this support network will get stronger as all of us who are now in residency stick around to help you out (as well as you help out our pre-meds).
Enjoy this time
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your praise-- you are like a big sister to everyone here!
Tara and David,
I definitely promise to stay in the club and keep posting. I have lots of opinions and curiosity and I want to help other people get through the small funnel (between premed and med). But I will be posting to the Med Student rooms now, hurrah!
Today, I am looking through the curriculum for first year, first semester and daydreaming. I’m afraid my employers have gotten very little from me this week (sorry!) Classes start August 6!
I know that you will find your first year exhausting, exasperating at times, exhilarating, and more exciting than you can imagine. Yet you will get through it!!
Congratulations! And I look forward to reading your posts as you go through your journey.
As to your employers. . . all I can say is mine were extremely supportive and understanding and I’m sure yours will be too!
Thanks Matt - we need to clone you.
Yay hooray! Congratulations!!!
Congrats, Matt! And stay warm!!!
SLB and Kriss-- thank you for your kind words.
Some updates on this whirlwind week: we have been given a listserv to email all our peers in the first year class, and people have started to put out feelers for roommates and such. I also got in contact with the president of the med school’s gay student union, and she has been wonderful, emailing me all the time about Buffalo life, suggestions of where to do my first year preceptorship. She also informed me that “ID is the stereotypical gay guy’s specialty”. Who knew?
I am getting very emotional about leaving São Paulo next Sunday. I have made two friends here that I will treasure for the rest of my life, and have lots of other cool people as well. I definitely have Brazil in my blood now, and I know I will return frequently throughout my life. On the other hand, my work life here is majorly tedious, and the sooner I get back to New York, the sooner I can get started on saying goodbye THERE.
A quick comment for the people who are starting AMCAS. Do NOT be dismissive of March interviews. The mood at Mt. Sinai and Buffalo this year was like a Bataan Death March, with rumors flying that the only positions available were deep down on the wait list, that the interviews were just for show etc. But I can bear witness that late spring interviews can lead to an acceptance just as much as early fall interviews (like I had at Tulane) can lead to limbo or rejection. Take heart that you have been called in and be positive about March.
I just got to revamp my profile to reflect all my new beginnings in life. For all of you who still have a blank profile, may I suggest putting in some of the information? It’s more fun to put a background to the person posting. To do this, click on the My Fusion button at top.
Congrats to everyone!!!
A long time ago (longer than I like to think), I interviewed in late Feb and March. Got three acceptances in April and May – 2 MD schools, NY and USC; 1 DO school ACOM. Also got several wait listings.
All is not lost if you had late interviews. And remember, you only need one acceptance to become a doc.
Good luck to all.
I’m so very happy for you!!! You totally deserve it! I was so worried when you wrote that if it hadn’t worked out this time, you’d just have started thinking about something else, becasue I’m sure you’ll make a great doctor!
And now when you finally don’t have to keep your fingers crossed for yourself, please keep them crossed for me
I’m in!!!
I got a snail-mail from EVMS today!
I’ll still stay on the wait lists in the other schools that are closer to us, but I know that no matter what I’m going to become a physician in 2011!
Thank you guys for all your support and kind words! You’ve been a real inspiration for me!
I already started to doubt that I would be able to post under this topic this year.
And I’ve already registered for MCAT for August 16th, and I started working on my new AMCAS application + asked few people to write me new letters of recommendation! And I’ve already started looking for a job. I was going to interview next week for a position of a clinical recovery technician at an organ and tissue transplant organization! I guess I’ll have to cancel all these things on Tuesday!
I can’t tell you how happy I am. But there is a least one person who’s even happier than I am…and this person is my husband! And the reason for his happines is that he won’t have to comfort me every single day any more nor listen to my whining!!!
LOL, congrats Kasia! That’s awesome :). Time to celebrate while you still have the time!
WAHOOOOOO! Congratulations!!! I knew it would happen for you.
Awesome Kasia!!! What wonderful news!!!