Congrats to all who were accepted so far and to those still waiting and working Good luck.
Just got off the Waitlist at UMDNJ-SOM!!!
Just got off the Waitlist at UMDNJ-SOM!!!!!!!!!
Gabe! You da man!!!!!
Good work!!!Congrats, Gabe!!! I know its been a long road for you to get to this point. I’m glad it the hard work finally paid off for you!
I take it you were accepted from the waitlist.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! ummmm again!.
BTW, you do know that’s one of those dreaded osteopathic schools right?
Congrats Dude! Will this still require that you move?
Yes I will still have to move 2.5 hours south. I will still only be an hour from my folks but I will be around the corner from my brother and his wife.
- gabelerman Said:
Congrats a-gain!
That is the delima that my wife and I are in. We were anxious to get away from the crowdedness of NJ but pulled towads N J by family.
everytime I think I am out, they pull me back in.
YAYY! Congratulations, Gabe!
Gabe! Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you!
I’ve been accepted at Tufts! I just got the voicemail! I can’t believe it. I also can’t believe that they accept by voicemail!
Still wait-listed at Pitt, and I haven’t heard from Einstein, Stony Brook or Downstate (interviewing there tomorrow, so that’s no surprise).
Tufts and Pitt were my top choices so I’m pretty excited at the way things have turned out.
Now I’m terrified. I have to quit my high-paying job to live like a pauper for the next four years. Here’s to hoping that it will all be worth it.
Congratulations. That’s really fantastic. Sounds like you may well have some good choices but even if this is the only one you’ve got it in the bag. This really makes interviewing a lot easier; you are bound to relax some, and you will be better able to remember that you are evaluating the school as much as them evaluating you. Good luck with the rest of the season, and congrats again.
Thanks Gabe, same to you!
Way to go! Congratulations!!!
2 semesters of biology.
2 semesters of general chemistry.
2 semesters of physics.
2 semesters of organic chemistry.
2 semesters of calculus.
1 semester of cell and molecular.
1 Princeton Review MCAT course (5 nights a week all summer long!)
1 August MCAT-- taken the week I was dumped by my lover of three years (unbelievable)
2 rounds of AMCAS
10 interviews
God knows how many thousands of dollars.
BUT it’s over! I’m in-- SUNY-Buffalo MD Program, Class of 2010.
Thanks for all the great advice and support I’ve gotten over the years. I could NOT have done it without this wonderful website.
Your friend,
Congrats, Matt! Are you really graduating in 3 years?
Oh i think I counted wrong! It is actually 2011.
Do a five year plan and make it 2012… but however you do it,
I am so pleased by this news, and relieved to hear that your long saga in this process is finally coming to its rightful next stage.
Really great to hear this.