
Hello, I’m a new member in need of some advice. I graduated 2 years ago with a 3.6 plus GPA and have been working full time the last couple years. Anyways,I am looking at DO programs and have plenty of clinical volunteering and about 40 hours shadowing as well. I have also been scoring well on my practice MCAT 28 to 30. However, I did not form real meaningful relationships with my profs (my fault) and I would imagine most of my faculty Lor would be weak. I am planning on enrolling in night Anatomy courses next year and was wondering whether it would be smarter to wait another year to get better Lors from faculty. Thanks for reading my post and hope to get some feedback.

I think I’d suggest exploring getting 2 LOR’s from past science faculty. If there is a course you got an A in, and in which the professor would at least know who you are, I’d ask them if they were willing to write you an LOR and if they felt they could write you a strong one. Some profs are willing to have you give them a copy of your resume or sit down and talk with them and then use some of that info to write a better LOR for you. Also, get an LOR from a doc you shadowed --at least one from a DO and a second one from a DO or MD would be helpful. If you don’t ask, they can’t say “yes”
