Business Grad looking into Med School


Great site, hope I can get some insight!

I’m a business grad looking into going to med school. I took Chem, Physics, Bio (A&P) in my undergrad. The program that I was looking at, required all that, plus English and Mathematics, which I have too. Although, it didn’t say how many years of each…so that I don’t know. I don’t think I need a Post Bacc program, but I don’t have any clinical experience or shadowing, and to get the LOR for 2 sciences will be hard, but possible. But the committee letter…I have no idea what this is?

I don’t know where I should begin? Did anyone have the same experience? Any help, rec, opinions?


Well, did you have two semesters each (with lab) of bio, physics and chem? I believe you may need to take basic biology and you will defimately need organic chemistry. So those professors are possible sources for science recommendations.

A committee letter comes from the premed committee at an undergraduate institution or a postbacc premed program - it has sections from the premed advisor, professors, medical director generally.

Applicants who were not premed majors can generally substitute some combination of letters for a committee letter - check out what each school requires - some combo of faculty and other recommendations.

It would be good to begin volunteering in a medical setting, such as a hospital or free clinic, and continue that while working on your prerequisites. Ideally it should be something you care about and can talk about with enthusiasm when you get to the stage of interviewing for med school.

Hope that helps with one of your questions anyway!


  • LilyMed Said:
The program that I was looking at, required all that, plus English and Mathematics, which I have too. Although, it didn't say how many years of that I don't know.

If you're looking to find out specific program requirements, you can always call the school directly. Or you can get a copy of the MSAR (Medical School Admission Requirements) book, which lists all allopathic (MD) programs in the United States, their requirements, and a whole bunch of other information about the school, its applicants/matriculants, etc. This book is available from the Association of American Medical Colleges. It's $25 (plus shipping) VERY well spent, in my opinion. You can find it here: I TOTALLY recommend buying this book!

And yes, start volunteering and getting clinical experience -- admissions committees don't look only at grades / coursework, they also look at your commitment to the medical field and to people.

Best of luck, and keep us updated with your progress!

Shadowing is also great. And once you make a connection with one doctor, it often leads to even more shadowing opportunities. Start by asking docs you know whether they'd be willing to let you follow them around, or if they know someone who would.