crisis = danger + opportunity

Is 2012 over yet? I would really like it to be!! I think I am suddenly in the same shoes as Croooz. I lost my job on Tuesday…thankfully, saw the writing on the wall and had the good sense to submit a resignation. My husband has ,by some weird quirk of fate, also been laid off this week. When it rains, it pours. I still owe 10 months on my NHSC commitment, so am sending out resumes to every site in the US that has a posted social worker position. Nothing holding us back from moving if need be. Just waiting to find where? Next? Stay calm, and in my case - pray. Gotta see where the next leg of the journey takes me. Meanwhile back at the ranch, looking at post baccs and compiling a list of application due dates…just gotta see how this all shakes out. Thankfully I had a private practice on the side, so I am not destitute. Just going to take some more hours there as needed. Make rent? Car note?..all iffy right now. wouldn’t it be ironic for a social worker to end up homeless?? Somehow, I can’t see that as the outcome. I think I am being freed up to more aggressively pursue med school…just not sure what that is going to look like yet!!!

  • VickiV Said:
Is 2012 over yet?....... Make rent? Car note?...all iffy right now. wouldn't it be ironic for a social worker to end up homeless??

I'm very sorry to hear that 2012 has been tough for you, I'll be GLAD when it's over too.

IMHO, I think a key to dealing with your situation is to NOT allow thoughts of being homeless and without a car enter your mind, let alone write it down somewhere.

I now realize at age 46 years old, that a significant portion of my life has been a string of manifestations of my thoughts and words. And the result of why my year is ending so very positively and far differently than it seemed it would 4 months ago is because I make a conscious effort EVERY DAY to change the tune in my head to "positive" at ALL times. Sure I still have negative thoughts and situations I have to deal with every now and then, but I no longer give them power by allowing them to occupy too much space/time in my mind.

Good luck!
  • pathdr2b Said:
I now realize at age 46 years old, that a significant portion of my life has been a string of manifestations of my thoughts and words. And the result of why my year is ending so very positively and far differently than it seemed it would 4 months ago is because I make a conscious effort EVERY DAY to change the tune in my head to "positive" at ALL times. Sure I still have negative thoughts and situations I have to deal with every now and then, but I no longer give them power by allowing them to occupy too much space/time in my mind.

LOVE this, and I couldn't agree more! Well said, Path.

Vicki--I'm so sorry about your situation, but I also know you are a fighter. Formulate a plan, stay positive, and walk it guys are going to be fine. Rooting for you hard!!

Heck I’m overjoyed at your situation! Getting fired for me has been awesome! Money is tight and we’re counting every cent but there’s no going back. I’m battling daily with how it feels as though my feet are stuck in mud and I’m not making any progress but that’s just my impatience and cabin fever setting in as well as focusing inward instead of outward.

You’ll be fine. Let whatever come, come! You mentioned prayer so I assume you are a theist of some sort. Chances are a Christian, so I’ll put on my pastor-in-training hat on and encourage you with, God don’t make mistakes. Draw closer to God, keep Him first, fulfill His commandments summarized in love him and love people and your focus will be where it should be. I say this as much for you as for me because everytime my focus is on me and my situation it looks bleak but when I turn my gaze upon Jesus and the mighty work He did for us on the cross all that is left to do is praise God for His amazing grace. Now that is some positivity for ya!

Keep pressing forward…even if it’s only millimeters at a time. There is a time for everything under the sun and this is a good a time as any to grieve and mourn and be angry…but after that comes joy!

crooz -

just wanted to thank you for your positive thoughts which helped put me in a more faith-filled frame of mind today and encouraged me!


Vicki- this sounds like a tough situation. However, I believe that you will have the strength to overcome any hurdles, as long as you have enough determination. More than a year ago, I resigned from my previous job in order to finish my prereqs sooner. Some people told me that my decision was foolish and too risky, and I should go to nursing schools instead. Now, I have several acceptances and will start my journey as a med student next year. I do not regret my decision.

You CAN do it. Also, you might want to consider to move to a state with more state schools, if you do not have any restrictions. This would make your med school application easier.

Thank you to all…you guys really are my support group!! I sent out over 20 resumes to National Health Service Corps sites and got a bite in Tennessee and one in BALTIMORE!!!

Need to credential in Maryland, but since I took my boards, they just verify everything and I pay a fee. Just got to wrangle up some requests for transcripts and verifications of work history. Don’t really want to be in a position to have to pay back the NHSC - 10 more months owed.

My husband and I have just kinda viewed this as God’s will. We are just sitting tight, staying in prayer, and seeing where this goes…the true meaning of a leap of faith…and I am sure, that just like all of you, I will not regret it!! Still focused on Med school…just gotta see what the plan is now!! Thank you all for the encouraging words!!

You’re welcome Kate.

VickiV, come on down!!! (or over or North…not sure where you’re at geographically) WHile I live NE of DC, my church is in a B-more suburb so I can somewhat help steer you clear of certain areas. UofMD has their own DIY postbacc which means to say that they have classes in the evening specifically for degreed students. The classes are smaller but it is a bit of a drive from B-more.

Anyhow if I can help you & your hubby in anyway just let me know.

Wow, sounds like God has some serious plans for you! Just keep the faith, Crooz is right, what is right will happen and keep your eyes focused above. No worries, the right things will happen in the right time. I’m sure there is some wonderful update coming for you!

Thank you again…you all are aces! it looks like I may end up in your direction Croooz! As of today, one completion for additional information from Knoxville, Tenn, two letters of interest from Baltimore clinics, and a letter of interest from Washington,DC completed and sent out all my requests for things I need to complete licensure in Maryland…it’s 4:39…where did the day go?? Finding employment is a full time job!!