Hello - New to forum - Intro post


I’m Calime, new to this forum yet very familiar with SDN. I was delighted to find this more mature group of applicants!

A little more about me…

Female, 38, URM. Working full time in a long term position in the entertainment field. Have been in entertainment for over a decade. Planning to resign from my current position as I apply for medical scribe positions. I have ample volunteer experience with the underserved spanning as far back as age 16. If I do not land a Scribe job, I have a clinic assistant volunteer opportunity at a free clinic that I can pretty much begin when I’m ready. I would much rather have a scribe job a couple days a week as I attend school full time.

I’ve worked full-time and attended school full or part time since 2010, when I returned after many years to complete my B.A. I won’t get into the intricacies of “why” medicine. It simply is where I am.

I hope to learn from you all and be able to offer my experience to pre meds some day soon. I have researched everything med school/profession-related to death over the past years and I’m very excited to be here.

Welcome to OPM!!!

Congrats for making it out of the black hole of SDN :)!

Thanks for the warm welcome pathdr2b and Doc Gray!

@Doc Gray yes SDN can be discouraging to put it lightly for non-trads. Glad to know non-trads DO make it!

Awesome intro!! Glad to have you aboard.

calime -

Welcome! I had to read your “I have researched everything med school/profession related to death” a couple times before I realized you were not planning to be a coroner! (yes, “researched to death” she means…)

Yup - count the numbers - there are a LOT of successful non-trads. There are (in my opinion) mainly only 2 useful reasons to go to SDN. 1 - to look at their MCAT prep suggested study schedule and 2 - to look at school specific forums about the interview/application process. You’ll find a lot better info and encouragement here and on Doc Grey’s site.

Best of luck on your journey!
