HPAC committee??

Do I need to use the HPAC or health professions committee at a university as a way to enhance my application to apply to med school?

I’m thinking of the CC rather than the university due to work schedule however, I don’t know if I need the HPAC committee or health professions committee to write the cover letter to the med schools (UT Houston or UTMB at Galvastan are my two top choices).

I have a few degrees, am an ED nurse, BSN from a Longhorn-related school and just need a handful of classes plus the MCAT to apply. Many docs I work with tell me being an alum and my experience will benefit me.

Any words of wisdom will be appreciated!!

Hi! Most applications say you need a committee letter “if there is one available”. In other words, if you are attending an institution with the HPAC committee, you must get a letter from them and submit it. Many applicants do NOT have a committee letter available and generally you need 2 professor letter, one from a science professor as academic recommendations and a physician LOR. It differs by school somewhat - I suggest you visit the websites of the schools you are looking into.

Not having a committee letter should not work against you


My understanding is pretty much the same as what Kate said. I have heard that if your school has a pre-med committee, and you don’t get a letter from them that’s a significant black mark.

My university has a pre-med committee and I’ve already secured my letter, but the University attached to the only medical school in the state doesn’t have a committee, so if you can’t get one I can’t see how it would hurt you.

I have spent a good portion of the last 2 weeks looking into how/where to get LOR’s and Kate and Prodigal are on target (as always). The University that I’m attending is attached to the local med school which I plan on applying to. The pre-health committee as well as the medschool both stated that the absence of a LOR from pre-health would be immediately questioned. Since my CC does not have a pre-health committee, I decided to pay the higher tuition of the University just to help bridge any gaps and obtain their LOR.