Hello everyone! I really really love this site. It inspires me and gives me hope. I never have gotten around to studying medicine although it was a dream since I was a little girl. Straight after school I had to go and work for my dads company and then I never did apply anywhere. Now I’m 31 and I think its too late. But ist great to be a part of this site!
welcome and no, I don’t think it is too late. Many here are around your age or even older.
I second redo-it-all’s post. It’s not too late, if you put your mind to it. The fact that you’re here suggests that you haven’t given up on this dream …
I’m 37 about to turn 38 and I am just now a junior finishing up my undergraduate work in prep for medical school. 31 is definitely not old. Besides, we non-traditional students usually tend to do really well. Good Luck!!! Do NOT give up.
Don’t wait another 20+ years and start at 53, like I am! You have time to do some really serious thinking and research into it.
Best of luck!
I am 36 and am going to graduate medical school in 8 months (therefor I was 32 when I started). nuff sed.