Irritated by 18-23 demographic...

  • 3rdtimer Said:
As a student of "horseology" (we have horses) there are occasionally lessons that we humans can learn from these amazing creatures that we have as loyal partners and companions (the horses I mean). In a herd, all the adults will watch out for the young ones - not just the colt or filly's mother. That means teaching them how to behave in a group and mind their manners, among other things.

I think the non-trad student has an awesome opportunity and responsibility to mentor and help our younger peers mature. When I was initially going to college (in the dark ages) we didn't have more mature students to bond with and learn from.

In return we get to absorb some of that energy that OMD mentions, and get the satisfaction that we are helping others who are walking the same path as we are.


I would suggest only offer mentoring to those who are looking for it. I can imagine myself and probably most students feeling highly offended if someone came up to myself and said, 'I am here to mentor you if you need it.' This of course is if I did not solicit this mentoring in the first place. College is a place for many to find themselves and grow up on their own. I know went away to college to find my place in the world, not to find a new parent to look over me.

Good clarification Dude. I didn’t imply that I or anyone else force coaching or mentoring on anyone, but set good examples by our own actions. Whether someone else takes notice or takes it in is up to them.

I have been back to school for a grand total of 3 months but have already seen students reaching out to me as they get over my grey hair and see me as a successful student.

I think the reason med schools require current prereqs is so that we can become accustomed to these issues before starting med school. And start some unproductive behaviors ourselves. There’s nothing like downloading a new episode of “America’s Next Top Model” during a boring lecture, and you can save on home Internet costs.

Re: mentoring: yeah, I thought I was going to be a great mentor for my classmates. Ha! How many people want someone their mother’s age as their mentor? Maybe if I was Oprah…