No longer in lImbo

OK…so Heeeerre we gooooo!! We are moving in two weeks. February 2nd to be exact. I have accepted a NHSC position at a place in Salisbury, Maryland called the Lower Shore Clinic. Interestingly enough, it is the reverse of every other HRSA site. All of the ones I am aware of, start with the primary care end of things and venture out into mental health under Article 28. This clinic is the opposite. They have a full range of mental health services - outpatient clinic, day treatment program, supported housing, ACT team, and mobile crisis intervention and are slowly venturing into expanding the clinic to include a primary care component, currently under construction. As in most rural clinics, there is a dearth of psychiatry available - good news for me!! It is located twenty minutes from beautiful parks on Chesapeake Bay on one side, and 26 minutes from parks on the Atlantic Ocean on the other. I am 2.5 hours from JHU. I’ll worry about that when I complete the 10 months I owe the NHSC. Community of about 28,000. The agency is serving approximately 920 mentally ill patients. Lowest salary I have had in the last 10 years of my career, but it is a job, and VERY good health insurance benefits…and, as near as I can tell, the cost of living is lower than tax crazy New York State. I sent my Resume and credentials to 23 NHSC sites. Only 2 responded with interviews and offers, both in Maryland. Only one of the two had health insurance benefits - decision made. And a lovely little brick ranch home at a third of the cost of here in New York…seems too good to be true. And being able to de-stress at the ocean whenever I have the whim??? Priceless!! Ok - now to see if I can become a field instructor at the local University, and continue on with Post-bacc plans!! A little closer to the prize…

Congrats!!! I KNEW it would all work out!

Yay! I’m glad you were able to find a new job so quickly. Have a safe move and keep us updated.

That all sounds great. Salisbury is a good locale from which to visit the beach of the Eastern Shore!



Not far from two great beaches. Not far from where I was stationed in Dover for 2 years.

Good for you VickyV!