My search skills must be off because I can’t find this topic as being previously addressed here: Is there a recommended physics primer/accessory book?
Klein’s “Organic Chemistry as a Second Language” was critical to my success in organic chemistry and if there’s a similar book for physics, I’d love to get my hands on it.
The Standard Deviants series may help.
I’m going to be taking physics in the fall, and was planning on using MCAT prep material over the summer to get a jump start on my knowledge of the subject. I’ve heard that “Schaum’s Outline of College Physics” is pretty good though. “How to Solve Physics Problems” (by Robert & Daniel Oman) looks fairly decent as well. I think I’ll end up giving both a try.
I really liked the cliff notes physics books which were short, concise, and examples applied.
hakado -
I don’t know the answer regarding physics books (gee, I wish I did - might have saved me some pain!) but I just wanted add a hearty AMEN!! to your mention of Klein’s “Organic Chemistry as a Second Language”. The bit for first semester was invaluable! I found that 2nd semester I relied less on Klein, but may just have been that I was “getting” the textbook better by then. So anyone else reading this - it’s a good tip for a helpful (thin, paperback, not to0 expensive)aid for o-chem.