
I am re-thinking going through nursing school first, because there is an almost 2 year wait and I don’t want to take premed courses at the CC.

If I don’t I could start at the university next fall and finish my bachelors in 3-4 years versus the 6-7.

But on the other hand, my family could benefit from us having 2 incomes to pay off debt, so I feel guilty considering to forgo something practical like nursing and work towards medical school when there are no guarantees.

My husband is supportive of whatever I decide and as he put it, “it’s not like we’ve ever had money to begin with.” With careful budgeting, and if I work hard I could earn scholarships to minimize undergrad debt, we could live reasonably comfortable and take care of debt (not huge, just an annoying amount of medical debts that are slowly being paid.) Plus I would be more available for my kids if I was only a full-time student and not a full-time nurse AND student.

Maybe I am just writing this all out to get a clear idea of what I want, but I would love some BTDT advice. It’s not like a BS in science is worthless, I could apply to PA or pharm school, or become a science teacher.

I can relate to much of what you’re expressing, and understand the stress of wanting to be finished asap while struggling with guilt over finances. In my case, I had a pretty good career that I left so that I could pursue medical school. We ended up having to sign our house back to the bank in order to allow me to do this. For me, what eats at me is the extended amount of time I’ve put into an informal post-bacc with no degree to show for it. I’d considered going into a masters degree program, but after taking some time off and really thinking things through have decided to just finish the 2nd bachelors that I’m pretty close to having in biology. I rationalize that with the courses I’ve already done, and will still finish, it’s a perfect fit to enter clinical lab science in my glide year and/or in the event I don’t get accepted into medical school. The “risk” for me of having to complete even more extra time in a masters program, since I’d most likely be accepted on a provisional basis at this point, is too scary to me.

My best advice to you is to follow your heart. I know that’s sometimes easier said than done though. If you’re having second thoughts about nursing, perhaps you should really reflect on that. I assume that you’re in this to become a physician, not to become a nurse. I truly understand having a plan B in place, but sometimes I think we get side tracked a little with our plan B’s, if you know what I mean. If it were me I’d press on with the 4 year school as soon as possible, knowing that you will find your plan B out of that if you need one. Also, you never know what opportunities can come from it. Sometimes you can work as an RA for a professor and get paid for that, or perhaps some other job opportunity will present itself along the way. Follow your instincts, the rest will fall into place.

Good luck to you!

I used to teach in a community college nursing program and I’d also advise you to look very carefully at whether you would actually complete the nursing degree in 2 years. Most of our students took 3 years, including 2 summers, to get their associates degree —it is a VERY credit-heavy program. Not sure about where you are but seek out some of the students and advisors to be sure you have the sraight scoop.
