So on your advice I'm reading Intern Blues

I read Intern Blues about 8 years ago when I was assigned to do 1:1s on my nursing floor since my thumb was in a cast. I admit being quite shaken by it and also wondering if all interns were that whiny and miserable. It did leave me a bit jaded for awhile but then I got over it.


Oooh one more thing…geez you think I could summarize everything in one post rather than three. LOL

I recently read a newer book called “Intern: A Doctor’s Initiation by Sandeep Jauhar” and honestly it took every bit for me to finish it because I HATED IT. It felt like this guy just went in to medicine because his family expected it and he would have been happier staying as a physics teacher. I thought “shut up and move over for someone who really desires to be a doctor!”. Has anyone else read it? I would love to hear any other opinions on it! I was just so annoyed by it that I immediately took it to Half Price Books and sold it and happily left with my $1.25 and bought myself a Coke. Mehgan

lol, meghan. I have no feedback, but I’m glad you enjoyed your Coke.


My wife bought that book for me when it was first released, and it was pathetic!! Horribly written, and really pointless. Glad you felt the same way…

I think you got the better deal by getting a coke out of it. That guy is a JOKE!!!


Thanks! I thought it was just awful and I was so incredibly annoyed. The sugar and caffeine in my Coke staved off my crankiness about the book. I will share my Coke with you so you can feel better…that doesn’t sound good, geez, I mean my CAN OF COCA COLA…

any one of you has a soft copy of intern blues… its here really hard to find that book here in the philippines…

to be honest, I wouldn’t work hard to try and find it. It’s not that good a book, frankly.


oh ic… but still i would like to try reading that book…if you have a copy it would be a great help…

Nope, I borrowed it from the library… dunno if it is available as a downloadable book from anywhere… sorry. I would certainly advise against spending much time or money on this pursuit! <— just my two cents


I borrowed it from the library too…and I did enjoy certain aspects of it, like mocking them. But it’s not that great of a book although it did give me some insight on how not to act as an intern!

See, I liked it.

I recognized this was their internal discussion and not something that would ordinairily be out there for the world to see. What I feel internally may be completely different than what I display in public, but I may be whining none the less, silently.

I can see that point too Susan. I watched an episode of “House” the other night where the guys “internal filter” was turned off and every thought he had would just come out. Somedays it’s a good thing that I have such a good filter.

I concur. Like yesterday…yesterday it was a good thing my internal filter was so good. A VERY good thing.

Which reminds me…when we get there (notice I said when not if), if I find out my office staff dares yell at one of my patients, they will be out of a job quicker than they can blink.

I started reading ‘intern blues’ a while ago. I flew through the first few months, but I got stuck on October or November, and I just cannot come back to it… I just don’t like the drama in the book. But I guess it’s the purpose of it - it’s not intended for medical students, but for everybody else to have pity on us when we finally get to our internship ;).

October was a tough month I recall to get through.

My ped just yelled at me for buying it lol. Told me she would have given me hers.

(We were chatting about it the other day).

Thanks for the recommendations guys… I recently read Intern:A Doctor’s Initiation as well. I too was not impressed.

I just finished Hot Lights, Cold Steel : Life, Death, and Sleepless Nights in a Surgeon’s First Years It is about Dr. Michael Collins’ Ortho residency at the Mayo Clinic. It was much better than Intern. He was entertaining, and real and truly enjoyed the profession. I laughed, I cried… it was a good book.

I am working on “Gifted Hands : The Ben Carson Story”. It is about the trials and tribulations of a pediatric neurosurgeon. So far he is only in fifth grade though so I don’t have too much to say about it yet.

Thanks for the input though… I ordered Something for the Pain and First Do No Harm today from B&N. Anyone read FDNH? It is great to have a few good books lying around. I read with my 6 year old on the couch for 1/2 hour each night and before bed. I am sure when I am in the trenches like Dave the last thing I will want to read is a book about a Dr.

My Own Country IS a great book!

“Gifted Hands” is a great book. I read it back when I was in the Army and getting ready to pursue my med school journey. I am reading Ben Carson’s latest book, “Take The Risk,” which is also excellent.

Hello! I just finished “Intern” actually a few months ago and I feel the same way as many of you. Needless to say I lost interest very quickly but have this quam about not finishing books once I’ve started them, and needless to say it was a struggle.

A book I do recommend however is Katrina Furlik’s “Another Day In the Frontal Lobe”, she writes about her neurosurgery residency, and she is a fabulous writer!

I just picked up some other one about a surgeons journey…something about cold steel…I can’t remember and it’s at home…dangit…I’ll have to look and get back with you…