This is the year...

Attended OPM Conference in 2008. Continued to wonder could I still become a doctor after finishing a 20+ year career in the US Army. Am I too old? Is it practical? Fear of failing kept me from taking the first step. Started homeschooling my Asperger’s/OCD son as the middle school he attended was not helping him reach his academic potential. Decided can’t do medical school right now. My priority and focus needed to be to posture him for success, graduate him from high school and gain college acceptance.

Yet, I could not stop feeling the urge, something inside me kept calling me. The itch was ever so constant. I could not scratch the itch enough nor to satisfaction. So with support from both my husband and son, I took the first big step in 2010 and enrolled in Intro Biology. Earned an A. Took that grade as a sign that maybe it might be possible. Fast forward through family medical emergencies (two major surgeries for my son and me with four surgeries) the last 4 years, 3.6 to 3.7 GPA, attended 2013 OPM conference, now homeschooling the final 1.5 years for my son, taking Organic Chem II (the final class to take), and started studying for the MCAT today for the July test. Shadowed 3 doctors and started as a volunteer at a local hospital’s geriatric department and free medical clinic last summer. The experience has been awesome. It has and continues to be nostalgic. The itch subsides every minute spent in volunteering. I can’t believe how far I’ve travelled. Now confronting my near term goal face to face-- gain medical school admission for the Fall 2015 semester.

With continued inspiration from OPM, OPM’ers like Kate429, VickiV, terra_incognita, and those who are on the same journey and those who are living the dream, I am trudging along in this critical year. This is the year that determines whether the dream stays alive.

Awesome! Can’t wait to see you accomplish your goal. It looks like you are well on your way.

Great to hear from you - I remember sitting at the same table at the OPM conference. So glad to hear you are continuing to move forward. That determination can carry you thru!

Keep us posted!


Thanks Doc Gray!

I always think of you Kate. Thanks for your advice about how to study Organic Chem…got an A last semester. Doing the last one…yay!

This is a wonderful update!

You have been through so much, and have persevered … congratulations for your hard work thus far, and best wishes to you as you move forward.

Hope to see you at this year’s conference!

Congrats on your progress! Sounds like you have the perseverance to make it the long haul!

Excellent work! Congrats on the A in Organic Chem - not easy to achieve!! Glad my suggestions were helpful.
