2008 Acceptances

I agree with Kris. It sucks getting rejected (everyone here will agree with that) but with your MCAT score, GPA, and extracirriculars you know there will be just as good if not better schools ready and willing to accept you.

No matter how impressive an applicant is (i.e 45T, 4.00GPA, EMT for 10 years) he or she can’t write his or her own ticket into any medical school that they want. Only the people on the admissions committee can. That said, a person like in the example and probably you too will get accepted into a lot of great schools but don’t jump the gun and assume you will get into every school ‘just because.’ You will just set yourself up for disappointment.


you can always call and ask what they didn’t like about your application and how you can improve in the future. They might tell you.

You may also ask them to reconsider your application. It might a least get you an intervwiev…

Have you applied to any other schools?



I second what Kasia said. If it really bothers you that Mayo rejected you without even a phone interview, call them and ask why. They have already rejected you, so what do you have to lose by calling?

I got accepted to NJMS. Sweet.

Congrats once again, Dude .

I told you dude not to worry, didn’t I?

Great news!!!

i got accepted to nova southeastern d.o. school and i have to respond by dec 14th and pay $750 if i want to attend, but i won’t hear from tx schools until feb at the earliest. any advice?

Congrats, Snowgirl! Is $750 high for a deposit? It seems like more than what I’ve usually seen.

Is it worth $750 to you to reserve a spot at Nova Southeastern? Or would you be happier with the money and an unsure thing?

To the best of my knowledge, even putting the deposit down doesn’t prevent you from accepting another offer - it just costs you the nonrefundable money. Is this correct?

Congrats, snowgirl!

If it were me, I’d probably pony up the money for the sure thing. It’s probably cheaper than reapplying again next year. You could try and call them and see if there is any wiggle room in that amount or due date, explaining the the texas school situation.

Adam, from my understanding, high deposits are fairly typical for DO schools. I’ve heard of deposits as high as $2000. I think the highest deposit I recall seeing for an allo school was $100.

Snowgirl! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.

Have you already interviewed in any Texas schools? If so, I’d call them and explain the situation…maybe they could tell you what they think about your chances…(I know it’s a long shot and probably won’t work).

$750 is a lot…especially,if you were to be accepted to some other school and lost the money. On the other hand…it’s probably worth taking the risk and not having to apply again next year.

Is Nova Southwestern a school you would like to attend? If you think you’re going to be happy there (if not accepted anywhere else)go for it and risk the money…


How fantastic, Snowgirl! I have nothing to add to the advice that the other folks have given you. I just wanted to say congratulations. David

Way to go Dude! Congratulations!


Snowgirl, welcome to the club! Congratulations! If you are still taking people’s two cents, I would like to offer some advice. Take some time and seriously think about if you would attend Nova. If you really like the school and think it would be a finalist in the multiple schools you get accepted to - I would put up the money. 750 dollars is steep but as people said during the application process, the money you are investing now is only a drop in the bucket compared to how much you will be borrowing/spending while in medical school. If it was me, I probably would reserve the spot (but like really close to the deadline). For me 750 is a lot to part with but I am going to look at it as an insurance policy in the worst case scenario (which really isn’t a bad scenario since it is a quality school).

Again - congratulations!

Congratulations Snowgirl! As to the $750 deposit, like others have already said, it is but a drop in the bucket of the overall cost of med school; it is cheaper than reapplying if you were to not get accepted anywhere else; and it puts your mind at ease because you are now officially accepted!

While it may seem like a lot, it is actually lower than several of the osteopathic schools. But the peace of mind that comes just knowing you have that acceptance in hand is absolutely priceless!

I would put the deposit down, close to the deadline provided you would really attend should TX not come through. (Sending good luck vibes they do!) Come the next few weeks as adcoms meet at those TX schools you are pining over, you’ll have a better picture of your options. 750 bones, if you do get accepted now/pulled off the waitlist before Fall, you will hardly remember you paid 750 bones in the first place.

Either way, you are going to be a physician! Congrats!!!

And of course congrats DUDE!

Wow everyone is so supportive and I love it! Thanks! I especially need this as I am as I type preparing for my interview tomorrow a.m. at UT-Houston. I feel like there is still so much to learn about the school and thinking through likely questions. It does make me relax a little knowing I do have an acceptance and I really do like Nova - very community oriented but tuition is about 3 times that of Texas schools (public). I will probably pony up the money - 9 out of 10 experts say …

congrats DUDE and thanks for welcoming me to the club - I actually cried when I got the package because it has been quite a ride - I didn’t know I would react that way - pure joy - I hope that for all of us pouring our hearts and souls into this incredible endeavor!

Hope UTH went well snowgirl!

Congrats Snowgirl on your acceptance to Nova! If it’s your first acceptance, I would put the money down b/c you never know if you will get in to the Texas schools (although I think you probably will).

If you have multiple acceptances later, then you can decide if you can or want to put down deposits. Some DO schools want $1,000 or even $2,000 down so at least the $750 is a little bit less.

Congratulations again.

I just got the email today - I am accepted to the DMU class of 2012!! I turn 49 on Sunday so this is the best birthday present ever. Also waiting to hear about an interview invite to COMP but ecstatic that I have an acceptance to a great school!

thanks anbvian and startingover! UTH went well today, very impressive program - got to see open heart surgery on the tour - awesome!

congrats Craig and happy birthday!! Yippee!